About TTL
Current Board of Trustees of the Tekeyan Trust London: Sylva Krikorian (Chairperson), Vartan Ouzounian (Honourary Secretary), Taline Avakian, Krikor Harutunian, Nar Khatchadourian, Alan Kutchukian, Bernard Nazarian.
The Tekeyan Trust London (TTL) was founded in 1979 by Garo Krikorian, Honorary Life President of the Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) London branch, and its Committee members Vartan Ouzounian, Garo Arevian, Takvor Bardzankian and Tavit Messerlian, with a view of establishing an Armenian cultural centre in the UK which would support the activities of the London TCA. However, after several fruitless attempts to build a centre in London, the project was realized in the Motherland, and later it was registered as the Tekeyan Centre Fund.
The TTL is the backbone of the London TCA, London Komitas Chamber Choir and the Tekeyan Centre Fund (TCF) Armenia which are actively engaged in various projects under the auspices of the TTL. In order to support its subsidiary and beneficiary organisations the Tekeyan Trust annually initiates fundraising campaigns.
In furthering its mission, the TTL organizes cultural and humanitarian events which aim at preserving the Armenian identity and heritage in the Diaspora and promoting cultural, spiritual and educational ties with the Motherland.
In the past, the TTL included the Institute of Armenian Music, “Arax” Folk Dance group, the biweekly paper “Erebouni” which functioned in London for over 15 years.
Major activities by the TTL and the TCA were: performances by the Armenian State Choir, the Armenian State Folk Song & Dance Ensemble in the Royal Albert Hall, the Armenian State Dance Company in Sadler’s Wells, the Dramatic Theatre Company, “Levon Chillingirian Quartet”, Narek Durian & his theatrical group, “Hay Pem” theatre of Montreal, the Sahag-Mesrob Choir of Marseille, as well as the London Komitas Choir concert dedicated to the 145th birth anniversary of Komitas, the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence, the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Army and Liberation of Shushi, the 70th anniversary of the Tekeyan Cultural Association, the commemoration of 1.5 million massacred Armenians, the exhibition of Contemporary Armenian Painters, the Annual New Year’s Eve Dinner, the Annual Armenian Street Festival, etc., with most of proceeds going to charity.
The Tekeyan Trust is deeply grateful for the continued generosity of its supporters!